Meeting Format & Prices

Although our meetings are fairly laid back, we do still follow a structure to ensure that everyone is able to  communicate their message or needs to the group. 

Meeting Format

Our meetings are casual and fairly laid back, however we do have a rough structure put in place to ensure that our members make the most of the time we have on a Friday morning and get their message out to their peers. The group are very friendly and keen listeners so you can feel at ease knowing you’re in good company.

7am - 7.30am: Optional open networking

Arrive at the De Beers Garden Centre and place your breakfast order with the friendly team. This time is also great to chat with other group members and introduce yourself or just have a catch-up natter if you are already acquainted.

Meeting is started

The chair of the meeting calls all attendees to take a seat at the table (choose where you would like to sit) & the meeting is started!

Sixty Second Round

Whilst breakfast is being prepared, the attendees take it in turns to introduce themselves, their business and most importantly – what it is that they are looking for. Each turn is only 60 seconds, so make sure you cover everything you would like the room to know in a concise way!

Tea & Coffee Top Up

Once breakfast has been eaten and everyone has completed their 60 seconds, we break for 10 minutes to top up any drinks and catch up with any members or guests that may have caught your attention. 

Presentation & Questions

Once the room is settled, the member 10 minute presentation begins with time to ask questions at the end.

We don’t ask for referrals each week like other networking groups, however what we do ask is that each of our members complete a 10 minute presentation roughly once a year. The diary is pre-planned at the beginning of each year so that members have ample time to plan. The presentation doesn’t have to be about your business, we have seen all sorts of presentations over the years including how to fly a plane and learning all about hot rods!

8:50am: Referrals, Testimonials & Meeting Round-Up

To round-up the meeting, we go around the room and give each member opportunity to pass on any referrals or testimonials they may wish to give. If you don’t have one, don’t worry! We’ll just ask how you found the meeting or what you may have learnt.

Remember! Networking isn’t just left at the door after each of our meetings. Our members and visitors are always on the look-out for referrals to pass and feedback to give as and when they can.

No joining fees!

We believe that networking should be an affordable opportunity for all businesses, which is why we have tried to make our pricing as accessible as possible. For our members, the cost is taken as a standing order on the 1st of each month. Cost Per Meeting £16.00 (includes costs for venue, meeting and breakfast)